We have all heard important quotes at different times in our lives. Quotes that become meaningful because the source and the time come together in such a way that our thoughts and feelings are altered.
If I posted hundreds of quotes a day from just the few books of quotes resting on my shelves I could not come close to sharing all the possible wisdom, inspiration, insight, clarity or humor possible. Then there are so many more sources in which to find just the right phrase or statement. Renowned and lesser known people have all said meaningful things. There is reassurance to be found in the thoughts and words of others.
Clichés versus Quotes
Even though clichés are often quoted, I intend to stay with statements that can be attributed to the original source. It could be quibbled that much of Shakespeare has become clichéd phrases. Not the same at all. It is still Shakespeare whether the individual using the cliché knows the source or not. More than a few essays have been written on how Shakespeare permeates our cultural communication and understanding.
Have an Interesting Conversation
Invite a conversation with someone by asking about a quote that matters to them. When did they hear it? Who told them or where did they read it? What did it change for them? Be ready to offer the same information. Chances are there are multiple quotes for both of you.
Sharing wisdom is a powerful form of communication.
I intend to share a variety of quotes in future posts. The words could give you pause for a few moments to consider how the thought or idea could inform your thinking. Or not. Either outcome is a useful and thoughtful exercise.
Books Photo - Patrick Tomasso via StockSnap.io
Scroll down for interesting quote posts and thank you for your consideration.
Then Thoreau finds the path beyond fashion - beyond new - into the land of classic timeless deliberate.
What is simple; what is minimalist? more specifically - what is Thoreau's, and others, philosophy transcendentalism.
A uniquely American philosophy which we can be "at our best" when the pursuit is one of creative imaginative intuitive understanding of ourselves. Of the world around us. Of relationships. Relationships founded on the belief that all are equal.
We are at our best when we begin with and rely on our connection with nature.
Clothes Pins photo - Félix Prado via StockSnap.io
It is refreshing to be going about your own business, doing what you do. Doing it well, with style, with substance, with thoughtfulness. Because that is the level of attention you bring to what you do. Just because, whether you are noticed or not.
Miss Manner's Guide politely sits on a shelf of a bookcase full of ideas and theories and suggestions.
I reach for it when I am asked for a book to help with self-esteem issues. Or there are exhausting concerns about "what other people think." Always startling and delightfully received direction. The simplest message - do not contribute to the thickening brew of rudeness. As tempting as it is - refrain from correcting others or, perversely, helping others feel more comfortable even as they err.
And a reminder - reading other people's mind is just plain rude.
If you have never read Miss Manners' column, then please do. We can wait for you to catch up.
Paper Boats photo - Maguel Á Padriñán via StockSnap.io
The web is just an introduction to all that is available. Instead of the web overwhelming us with all the people and places we will never go or know - the web can begin the introduction. Offering glimpses and growth.
There are too many reasons to make and keep your world bigger richer diverse. And no good reason to bind it hide it swaddle it.
Home is for the return, to rest and reflect. Then plan again.
Antique Statue photo - personal travel photo
In his essay " Politics and the English Language" (1946) Orwell wrote about the importance of precise and clear language, arguing that vague writing can be used as a powerful tool of political manipulation because it shapes the way we think. In that essay, Orwell provides six rules for writers:
Politics are the larger format to "speak for the People" until politicians no longer speak for the people. A constant concern of Orwell's.
Let these rules for writers guide your own listening and speaking. Speak for yourself and others more clearly. Distinctly. With no gap between your declared and real aims. And listen just as clearly for congruent language in others.
The cure for insincerity is integrity.
In case you are fuzzy on your recollections of George Orwell from High School or college - Wikipedia does a lovely and thorough job, including the description of Orwell's six rules found above.
Handprints on Cave Wall photo - Max Bender via StockSnap.io
The author of Brave New World and Island spent his life as a humanist and a pacifist. Thinking long and hard and writing a great deal on his fears and concerns and observations of people. Novels, essays, short stories, screenplays and poetry. And near the end he realized what so many mystics and prophets and philosophers want us to learn. Our current condition is what ever it is - be kind.
Authentic kindness is a personal decision and is one factor that defines who you are. Some people show kindness to make themselves feel good, but real kindness gives others a feeling of hope. Kindness deepens your appreciation of what you have and what you can give. ... Kindness connects us to a world we never knew about.
Definition courtesy of an essay at ThoughtCatalog.com by Niki Shaw 2/3/15
Every point and pivot in time is defined by how people respond and care for each other long after the details of the events fade. Did we care for each other? How do we continue to be kind?
We do so by creating and sustaining hope in others, and therefore ourselves, through continuing relentless kindness.
Library photo - Gabriel Ghnassia via StockSnap.io
At the very least, a quick check on Wikipedia will tell you that Joseph Wood Krutch was a remarkable man. The biographies of Samuel Johnson and Henry David Thoreau along with the natural history of the Grand Canyon are just a small sampling of his writing. Then there is his ability to observe with wit and rigor and compassion.
No requirement to be a cat person to recognize the truth. And to be a little jealous. Perhaps the observation could be said for dogs as well. A creature that has troubles and ailments can still manage to sleep. A lovely goal.
Troubles can make fierce demands on the day. Do not give up all the rewards of sleep. Collect the benefits to better respond to whatever challenges you.
There are basic sleep hygiene strategies. They appear in magazines and various places on a fairly regular basis. The strategies are useful. They are outlined, with my own commentary and suggested application on the Soothing Slumber page. They are worth taking a thoughtful review. See if any of them can improve your sleep. If not, after sincere effort, then it may well be time to seek additional help to restore healthy sleep.
At any given time, approximately half the population is sleep deprived.
Life will keep happening - rest up.
Kitten photo - Ghost Presenter via StockSnap.io
James Thurber was a treasured humorist. He was a thoughtful observer of the humble human experience. His doodles, fiction, and essays offered an intimate view of the quiet struggles of people.
Long before the saturation of “Mindfulness” in the current conversation, Thurber understood the essence and purpose of practicing mindfulness. This simple powerful clarifying quote underlines our struggle with how we can complicate our current existence with dwelling on the past in anger and pain and fearfully predicting a future of more pain. A terrible use of imagination.
This quote, this directive, has guided my understanding of our distress for over two decades. It also informs an essential path out of our suffering.
When looking around you, in the present, in awareness so much becomes possible. This is the goal of mindfulness. Always ongoing as the present keeps introducing itself moment by moment.
Viewing Machine photo - Burst via StockSnap.io
I want to start this occasional series with the quote from Albert Einstein featured in the photo gallery on the home page and repeated here.
Sometimes knowledge is enough. It is important to know useful things. Then there are times when the most useful thing we can know is that we do not know enough and then realize we do know where to go to find the information we need.
Imagination is the pathway to solutions.
Then there is imagination. The creative spark within all of us. An event, experience, dilemma, or challenge ignites possibilities in novel ways. Artists striving to provide a singular new view, musicians mastering sound, writers penning experience into poems, scientists puzzling through questions we didn’t even know how to ask, and philosophers staying thoughtful with the questions mankind has asked throughout the ages.
Follow the demands of your imagination in pursuit of solutions.
Albert Eistein knew what he was talking about.
Pyramid Step photo - Sasint via StockSnap.io
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